Glitter Speed Painter Entertainer

Glitter Speed Painting

Have you ever seen the breathtaking performance of a glitter speed painter entertainer?

How can a glitter speed painter entertainer bring some spark to your event?

Painting Glitter Performer
Painting Glitter Performer

The information below is about the glitter speed painter entertainer and how his creativity and the delivery of his peculiar art style can add beauty to your event.

Marilyn Monroe never got painted faster! The glitter speed painter entertainer paints a superb portrait in less than 5 minutes. Thrill your audience as they watch this glitter speed painter entertainer match creativity with speed to deliver a stunning work of art right before your eyes.

A Performance Like No Other

The artistry of the glitter speed painter entertainer is indeed breathtaking. The glitter speed painter entertainer is one of those rare displays of talents that keep onlookers guessing until the last minute. The glitter speed painter entertainer works with such dexterity and precision that the audience never ceases to be thrilled whenever the final image is delivered.

When You Need Something Out Of The Norm

This glitter speed painter entertainer will definitely be a nice spectacle for any art inclined event but his jaw-dropping performance will fit into any kind of event as well. You can surprise your bride with a nice glitter portrait at your wedding dinner.

The glitter speed painter entertainer can also come in handy when you need to show your boss appreciation on an official night out or for unveiling a new product, music album or other project.

Technical Requirements

– A minimum performance space of 4m x 4m

– Adequate lighting above performance area

– A DJ sound system to play show music

For more information on Glitter Speed Painter Entertainer please contact

Streets United
 UK Phone: 0044 208 133 0249 Spain Phone: 0034 680 914 483

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