Are you looking for a special kind of entertainment for your next event?
Could a contemporary live show wow people attending your event?
Hopefully answers to the questions above can be found in the article below and can help you to decide if our Batucada Drumming Football Show could be ideal for your next event.
A battle of the titans or in this case a football freestyle battle all performed to the traditional Brazilian Batucada drumming.
This football stage show can be performed anywhere on stage or in the street or for any type of promotional event.
The professional football freestylers perform a battle between each other and then finish off with a choreographed piece, all moves performed to the drum beats.
This football drumming show has been performed for various cruise ships on the Baltic sea and also a handful of branded promotional events.
– Minimum space of 5m x 5m
– Cordless microphones and amplified sound depending on how big the performance area is and how large the audience is
For more information about this football drumming show please contact: