Tricks with Acrobatic Cyr Wheel

Female Acrobatic Stage Show

What is an acrobatic Cyr wheel?

What does an acrobatic Cyr wheel performer do?

Below are a few more details and information on what exactly a Cyr wheel acrobat can do.

Female Acrobatic Stage Show
Female Acrobatic Stage Show

The acrobatic Cyr is a solid steel wheel that acrobats use for stage or street performances.

This strong, sturdy metal wheel has the ability to hold the weight and pressure of a human being inside of the wheel.

An acrobatic artist that uses a Cyr wheel can perform a variety of tricks within and on the outer perimeter of the wheel.

Many people believe it or not have not seen a Cyr wheel or an acrobat using a Cyr wheel before.

Upon seeing this type of act or performance for the very first time as you can imagine a lot of people are taken a back and are gobsmacked by the types of tricks and skills that can be performed using a Cyr wheel.

Depending upon the type of event, first time viewers can actually even have a go or a first-hand experience at trying out a cartwheel on a Cyr wheel.

Types Of Events an Acrobatic Cyr Wheel can perform at

An acrobatic Cyr wheel performer can perform their act at a variety of different events.

Product launches and touring circus shows are a couple of the types of events where you might see an acrobatic Cyr wheel artist performing.

With its crowd attracting and eye catching abilities a Cyr wheel acrobatic performance is great for promotional events for street festivals.

Technical Requirements:
– a minimum space of 8 meters by 8 meters
– a non slippery performance service
– a sound system to play a show or entertainment music

For more information about an acrobatic Cyr wheel performer please contact

Streets United

UK Phone: 0044 208 133 0249
Spain Phone: 0034 680 914 483

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