Could a recycled trash can band entertain at your event?
Would a Plastic bin Band turn heads at a promotional marketing campaign?
These specialist recycled bin musicians or percussionists know how to knock up a great beat all in sync, with the use of simple recycled materials consisting of plastic bins, trash cans, bottles and a few other bits and pieces.
Type Of Events Performed at
The percussion trash can band has performed in the past at corporate events, festivals, charity functions, dinner galas and awards ceremonies. They have no doubt opened up eyes and turned heads on a variety of TV shows and promotional events. A host of environmentally friendly events have also had the pleasure of having this group perform at their shows or events.
Types of Shows and length of Shows
The recycled plastic bin shows can vary from a duo performance up to a huge group of 20+ and can be performed as welcoming type style entertainment or a live stage show that could open up an event or ceremony.
Show performances can be as short as 5mins long or an hour long show filled with a host of energetic beats and comedy actions all performed by the Plastic Bin Recycled Music Band.
For more information on this talented group of percussionists please contact
Streets United
UK Phone: 0044 208 133 0249