How can we provide special occasion celebration event entertainment for your next big event?
What type of entertainment contributes to providing the best celebration?
Special occasion celebration event entertainment should leave a lasting impression on your audience. This is why by choosing to have Streets United fulfil your entertainment needs, you have made the best decision. We can offer any type of entertainment to celebrate your special occasion whether it be an acrobat, a musician, a dancer or just a sporting trickster.
Sports tricksters
If we had to list the type of entertainment options we offer you would be reading this post all day long. Just to give you a snippet of the vast range of entertainment we offer this can be in the form of a trampoline freestyler which involves a single, duo or group of artists to perform extreme acrobatic tricks whilst jumping off a wall onto a trampoline. Another sporting entertainment that will impress the socks off of you is our basketball freestylers. They are equipped with the moves and skills that will leave you speechless whilst showing off their expert skills.
Relaxing entertainment
If you’re after a more relaxing bit of entertainment for your special occasion, this beautiful ballerina will offer you just that! The artist will dance on top of a huge grand piano to the melodious tunes played by a professional pianist. The ballerina can either be on a platform or dancing across the piano performing various pirouettes.
The above is just a handful of entertainment that Streets United can provide. Should you have any further questions or requests regarding special occasion celebration event entertainment, please contact Streets United using the details below.
Streets United Event Entertainment
Tel: +44 2081 330 249
Whatsapp: +44 7818 226993