Freestyle Footballer Entertainment for Corporate Events

Football freestyler

Are you looking for some football freestyle entertainment at your corporate event?

Want to see your manager or  CEO’s learn a few football freestyle tricks?

What does a football freestyler cost?

What football freestyler to choose?

Football freestyler
Football freestyler for Corporate Events

Answers to these questions will give you a good insight into choosing the most suited football freestyler, football trickster or otherwise known in America soccer tricksters.

There are many talented football freestylers available but to guarantee a classy, show at your corporate event it’s the more experienced football tricksters that have event credits to their name or possibly even broken world records will guarantee a perfect show.
Amateur freestyle footballers can certainly put on a show but it might not necessarily be as polished as professional football freestylers.
Also professional tend to also hold public liability insurance which covers them if anything were to happen to them where as amateurs are less likely to have this cover.

Your CEO – Learning some Football Freestyle Moves

Freestyle Football Workshops
Learning Freestyle Football Tricks

All employers love to see their bosses out of their comfort zone.
Streets United football freestylers can teach anyone at a corporate event some simple football freestyle skills.

Costs of a Freestyle Footballer
(a general indication for football freestylers in the UK)

A football tricksters fee can vary from as little as £100  or even travel expenses paid for for a charity event or £350+ for a corporate event.
This all depends on what history the football freestyler.


What Freestyle Footballer to Choose?


At the end of the day if you would like a professional show that entertains people attending your corporate event the more experienced football freestyler with a handful of credits to his or her name would be ideal.
Or should you just want someone that can perform a few basic tricks and you are not concernd about a polished and impressive show then any amateur male or female freestyle football will do the job.


If you found this information useful and beneficial we’d love it it you could please leave us a comment below ORget in contact with us to source the appropriate freestyle footballer for your corporate event


Streets United


T: +44 208 133 0249


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