How good are sand sculpture specialists in Saudi Arabia?
What type of wow factor entertainment would you like to see at an event?
It is so easy to find a professional sand sculpture specialist in Saudi Arabia when you get in touch with us! Streets United can provide all your ‘sandy’ entertainment needs to the highest quality. We don’t require a beach near by as our specialists have their own sand to work with to sculpt some beautiful works of art.
Sand sculpture designs
Depending on what the event is, a wide variety of sculptures are on offer to suit your needs. This can be of a sculpture of your favourite cartoon character or a sculpture of a special monument or building. The creativity of the sand artist is out of this world and he or she can produce anything you require to an extent.
How long does the sand sculpture take to make?
This again depends on the size and intensity of the sculpture that the artist creates. It can be anything from 20 mins to a whole day if it’s a hug sculpture.
Space required for a sand sculpture
Again, this all depends on the size of the sculpture required. If it is in a shopping centre for example, a flat surface needs to be provided and cornered off from the public so as not to knock the sculpture down when passing it. If you just want to display a sand sculpture on a table then just a small space is required for this.
Beach Event Sand Sculptures Sand Sculpture marketing
Should you have any further questions or requests regarding are sand sculpture specialists in Saudi Arabia then please contact Streets United using the details below.
Streets United Event Entertainment
Email –
Tel – +44 2081 330 249
Whatsapp – +44 7818 226993