Swiss Ball Entertainment

Have you ever wondered about what Swiss Ball is?

How can you combine fitness and entertainment?

Hopefully our experience of Swiss Ball Entertainment will inspire you for your next event!

Exercise Ball – Comedy Show

It’s amazing what you can do with an exercise ball or otherwise known as a swiss ball. These 2 acrobats have certainly put the gym exercise ball to the test by creating a unique comedy stage show that involves some INCREDIBLE tricks with an exercise ball.

It’s hard enough trying to hold one let alone performing a somersault with one.

This duo comedy show has performed for a variety of TV shows and for festivals and live events worldwide also performed with various circus’.

– A minimum space of 8m x 8m
– A not slippery surface
– Adequate lighting

For more information on the exercise ball comedy show please contact:

Streets United

UK office +44 208 133 0249
Spain (m) +34 680 914 483


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