Where can you find specialist DRONE entertainment for a PRODUCT LAUNCH event?
What would be a visual entertaining DRONE dance performance?
It is a technologically impressive display when DRONES with LED lights fly high above ground level displaying a variety of shapes and formations all pre-programmed and synchronised for a PRODUCT LAUNCH event.
As this type of DRONE flying technology is very new to the commercial sector it is extremely impressive when DRONES can perform a synchronised show especially when it comes to launching of a new product. These artists behind the flying of the DRONES are some of the most experienced and professional DRONE choreography and coordination entertainment experts when it comes to PRODUCT LAUNCH events.
Creation of a Storyboard
The ability to coordinate DRONE entertainment for a PRODUCT LAUNCH event starts from the creation of a storyboard where DRONES leave the ground or enter the entertainment space in a certain sequence to form a figure or a shape that begins to tell the story of the actual product that is being launched.
Different figures, shapes and formations are displayed by the DRONES that have LED lights attached to them and each sequence that the DRONES will fly in will tell a story that will lead to the final shape or formation of the product that is being launched.
Visually Entertaining
With the DRONE entertainment for a PRODUCT LAUNCH event it can be visually seen from over 100 m away and therefore the watching audience can either be on the other end of a field or on the side end of a river or lake.
A minimum space of 60m by 60m preferably outdoors is what is required to produce a visually stunning DRONE entertainment show for a PRODUCT LAUNCH.
For more information about DRONE entertainment for a PRODUCT LAUNCH event please contact
Streets United Event Entertainment
Email- info@streetsutd.com
Tel- +44 2081 330 249
Whatsapp- +44 7818 226 993