How do unicycle artists entertain?
What kind of show can be put on with a number of unicyclists?
Unicycle entertainers performing in the RAIN????

Extreme unicyclists are artists that are not really heard of that often because very few people actually have the nerve to jump down a staircase using a unicycle and still land on the one wheel and continue to cycle.
How do unicycle artists entertain?
The Tall unicycle:
There are various types of unicycle entertainers. The more common are the street entertainer unicyclists that can be seen performing in places like Covent Garden in London or Venice Beach in Los Angeles.
Their unicycles are usually more than 2 meters or more in length. This is simply to attract attention and to build a crowd by performing (usually) juggling tricks whilst up on the unicycle.

The Short unicycle:
The extreme unicycle entertainers usually perform with the shortest unicycle possible, which is slightly more difficult that the higher unicycle all because of the lower center of gravity. Shorter unicycles enables the extreme unicyclists to move around much quicker and perform very difficult stunts whilst on the unicycle.

What kind of show can be put on?
Using different levelled platforms that are totally mobile, extreme unicyclists can choreograph a show specifically according to the type of event.
Shows can performed with between 2-8 unicyclists performing synchronised moves and daredevil stunts and can be choreographed to a high energy piece of music.
Can unicyclists perform in the RAIN?
Extreme unicyclists are probably the one of the very few entertainers that can perform in the rain as their performance platforms that they use have a grippy surface which means the wheels do not slip or slide when they touch any of the platforms surfaces.
Show Technical Details
Minimum space required: 4m x 4m x 3m
Apparatus: The mobile scaffolding set up can transported and set up at any event at any location world wide
Show Time: 5min – 10min depending on the number of artists involved
Music: A sound system can be provided should there not be one available at the performance venue
Location of Extreme Unicyclists: Scotland, London, Manchester, USA, Germany
For more information about this extreme unicycle show contact:
Streets United
t: (+44) 208 133 0249