What is a glitter painter performer?
How can glitter be incorporated into a live stage performance?
As you know that glitter makes everything sparkle, vibrant and gives that extraordinary finishing touch absolutely anything.
The element of painting and glitter combination has come from speed painters that create portraits within 5 to 10 minutes but as a glitter speed painter the element of surprise is much more exuberant than a normal speed painter. This is because the final portrait or image that is being created is only seen when glitter is thrown over the finished piece.
Show Spectacle
The glitter painter performer starts off by using a glue like substance and creates an outline of the portrait or image that he is creating. It takes a few minutes in order for this outline to be created but as a watching audience you can just barely see the outline of the image when the light shines upon it. The element of spectacle and surprise all comes when the glitter painter performer grabs a hold of a container of glitter, hypes up the audience and throws the glitter in a dramatic way over the portrait or image. Many watching audiences sometimes often wonder what it is exactly the performer is doing right up until the end of his performance.
Types of people & Events
The types of people that the glitter painter performer has creative portraits of has varied over the years. From wedding couples to a child that has recently been baptized, to a manager or CEO of a company or a member of a Royal family.
Again the types of events that the glitter painter performer has performed at has been a variety of events that includes festivals, product launches, private dinners, birthday parties or annual award ceremonies.
For more information about this glitter painter performer please contact
email – info@streetsutd.com
Tel – +442081330249