Where would you go to see a night LED light drone flashing show for events?
What would be the best type of LED entertainment for a night-time event?
Night LED light drone flashing show for events is a spectacle not to be missed. The show requires large areas for the drones to be set-up in order to start off uniform and create an explosion of LED flashing lights. Drones are becoming a very popular entertainment piece, especially for the environment. These shows are the next generation of night-time entertainment and are taking over firework displays. Streets United can offer this extraordinary entertainment for all types of events.
The work ROCK written in drone formation A figure in drone lighting for events Different colour lighting in drone shows for events
Event Types
This show can be varied and involves between 50 to 250 drones that can perform a variety of sequences. Some of these include drones displaying any type of logo or figure whilst performing flips or turns in the sky. Words and letters are written in the night sky to spell out something specific. These images and logos emit LED lighting colours that can be themed accordingly. All performances vary in showtimes and can be anything between 8 to 12 minutes depending on what you want to be displayed.
Drones set-up ready for the show Drones in action at an event
Location of Events
These drone flashing shows for events can take place at any large outdoor space or arena. They need an ample amount of space to arrange their starting grid to display their amazing formations. Whilst in the night sky, the drones will have set timers so their formations will be displaying at precisely the right time to put on the most amazing shows.
Drones performing at night-time Drone’s being taken out of the truck for events
Should you have any further questions or requests regarding this night LED light drone flashing show for events, please contact Streets United using the details below.
Streets United Event Entertainment
Email – info@streetutd.com
Tel – +44 2081 330 249
Whatsapp – +44 7818 226993